
Do the Dream! Do the Best!


Participated in the Tashkent Fair in Uzbekistan (April 25-27)

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From April 25th to 27th, for 3 days and 2 nights, Uzbekistan's local representative, Bontech Medical Gulia, participated in the International

Industrial Expo held in Tashkent, the capital city.

This exhibition was held for the purpose of strengthening cooperation in the industrial field between countries in Central Asia, and it is said 

that it was held with great success, with about 700 local producers and delegations participating.

Local Bontech Medical Co., Ltd. carried out active public relations activities during the exhibition period, and conducted purchase-related 

consultations with relevant ministries and representatives of local governments in many neighboring countries.

Until the day when NDT and EOD products, the main products of bontech (, enter the market, keep going! Let's do it.


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